Facebook is finally being called out on the ridiculous SUGGESTIONS of people we need to reconnect with. For some time now I have been wondering when this was going to happen... I remember the first time I logged on to facebook and was greeted by the suggestion to add my ex as a "friend": immediately I began a staring contest with my screen, waiting for the image to disappear, which quickly evolved into a if-looks-could-kill glare when I realized I was not imagining this and Faceook, indeed, had the AUDACITY to suggest I be friends with my ex.
Thanks for the suggestion, Facebook, but I'd sooner amputate my leg with a plastic butter knife. Apparently this "suggestion" was based on the fact that we have mutual friends... NO SH*T!! They are enough of a reminder of the relationship from hell. If I ever took Facebook's relationship "suggestions", they should actually revoke my membership on account of the fact that I MUST be VERY unstable...
However, probably due to my mastery of blocking out ALL things related to my ex-mistake, it wasn't long before Facebook's insulting suggestion had faded from my mind. Maybe my computer had decided to make it's own candid camera/ PUNK'D episode... I'm SURE the look on my face was reward enough for what could ONLY be a cruel prank.
Apparently Facebook wasn't done reminding me of my poor choice in dating that guy. However, when I didn't take their advice, they decided to try a different approach: MY NEXT BOYFRIEND. He is a GREAT guy, meaning he not only has NOTHING in common with my ex other than the same friends of mine he now knows, but my ex, being the pathetic excuse for a guy that he is, also had caused serious problems in my new relationship and even threatened the new man in my life. Awkward doesn't even BEGIN to explain the feeling when I got the text saying "Soooo... something really strange keeps happening... Facebook keep suggesting that I become friends with (SCUMBAG). I am not dealing with this". I was speechless. His name is NOT mentioned between us. Now this guys was having to look at a picture of my past on his home screen every day.
(Mashable article)
Text below:
Unfortunately Facebook’s algorithms can’t account for some less desirable scenarios: according to Twitter (
) reports, the site is recommending that users reconnect with ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends. It’s recommending they reconnect with their (current) husband or wife. It’s even advising people to reconnect with friends who have died, causing obvious distress. These aren’t isolated cases: there are scores of Twitter reports of these issues.

The new Facebook (
) is wonderful and I’m thoroughly addicted to the new Live Feed. But please Facebook, take a second look at your Reconnect feature."